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A member registered Mar 11, 2021

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Really spooky!

That jumpscare from behind the box scared the shit outta me

This shit gave me the worst jumpscare of my fucking life LMAO
(1 edit)


I had a blast throwing this baby around the house 

This game scared me way more than I thought it would lmao. Check out my playthrough here!

This game was... quite the experience

These jumpscares had me SHOOK. Check out my playthrough here!

That jumpscare caught me so  off guard xD. Check out my playthrough here!

This was the first game I played in my 2 Random Horror Games video. Let's just say this game was crazy good! I had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough, so check it out here!

The first scare probably gave me my worst jumpscare on this channel... I'll just leave it at that. The game starts at 8:27!

The jumpscare with the little kid scared TF out of me lmao. Also, the way Michael just folded when he died was hilarious! Check out my playthrough here, I had some really funny moments!

This was by far one of the most unnerving horror games that I have ever played. I had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough, so check it out here!

My throat was actually sore from screaming so much LMAO. Check out my playthrough here! I had some really funny moments!

This game was crazy! The atmosphere really creeped me out. I also had some really funny moments, so check out my playthrough here!

This game managed to make me laugh and still scare TF out of me! This game was actually hilarious. Check out my playthrough here, I had some really funny moments!

The atmosphere in this game was so chilling! This game was a part of my 2 random horror games video, and I played it first. Check it out here!

This game was so funny but it actually scared TF out of me! I starting playing it at 8:51, check it out!

This was the last game I played in my 3 Random Horror Games video, and I really enjoyed it! Something about being chased by intelligent aliens and not just a generic killer really spooked me! It starts at 11:16

This was the first game I played in my 3 Randomh Horror Games video, it was crazy! Check out my playthrough here!

This game was CRAZY good. The very first jumpscare actually left me SHOOK. I also had some funny moments, so check out my playthrough here!

This game was so random and I loved it

So I've played a lot of horror games, but NOTHING freaked me out as much as this game did. I really don't know what it was, but I was GENUINELY shook by this game. Check out my playthrough here!

This was really well made! It gave me "Welcome to the Game" vibes. That locker jumpscare also got me REALLY good. I had some funny moments, so check out my playthrough here!

This game was actually really good! It still managed to scare me a few times, and my speedrun time was 31 seconds lol. Check out my playthrough here!

Now this.. THIS is what a GENUINE horror game looks like! I had AT LEAST 10+ jumpscares throughout my playthrough along with some really funny moments, so check it out here!

This game was really fun to play and record! I had a lot of funny moments throughout my playthrough, so check it out here!

This game was amazing! The jumpscares actually left me so shook that my throat was sore from screaming afterwards lol. I had some really funny moments, so check out my playthrough here!

This game as well as its concept was great! The atmosphere throughout it was completely terrifying! I had some really funny moments during my playthrough, so check it out here!

This game was really good! The last jumpscare actually got me so bad lol. Check out my playthrough here, it had some really funny moments!

This game was actually crazy good! The concept itself was very spooky, and that jumpscare at the end left me SHOOK lmao. Check out my playthrough here!

This game was great! The cutscenes made it a lot more immersive! I also had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough, check it out here!

Really cool and simple game that still managed to be scary! I was able to beat both modes here, and I also had some really funny moments throughout. Check out my playthrough here!

This game was CRAZY good! The concept itself was very creative and spooky! I had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough as well, check it out here!

The monster actually scared the crap out of me a good amount of times lmao. Great game overall! I had some funny moments throughout, so check out my playthrough here!

The atmosphere is really what made this game creepy! I also had some really funny moments throughout my playthrough! Check it out here!

This game was WILD! The jumpscare near the end had me SHOOK. I also had some very funny moments throughout! Check out my playthrough here!

This demon baby couldn't stand a chance against me. I literally beat the demon out of it. Check it out here